The Adar Lab
קבוצת אדר

The Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine
הפקולטה לרפואה של האוניברסיטה העברית

A Practical Site-specific Method for the Detection of Bulky DNA Damages. Hassanain, H., Tseitline, D., Hacohen, T., Yifrach, A., Kirshenbaum, A., Lavi, B., … Adar, S. (2024). Journal of Molecular Biology, 436(6), 168450.
Gene architecture is a determinant of the transcriptional response to bulky DNA damages. Merav, M., Bitensky, E. M., Heilbrun, E. E., Hacohen, T., Kirshenbaum, A., Golan-Berman, H., … Adar, S. (2024). Life Science Alliance, 7(3).
Transcription-coupled repair of DNA--protein cross-links depends on CSA and CSB. Carnie, C. J., Acampora, A. C., Bader, A. S., Erdenebat, C., Zhao, S., Bitensky, E., … Others. (2024). Nature Cell Biology, 1–14.
GENI: A web server to identify gene set enrichments in tumor samples. Hayashi, A., Ruppo, S., Heilbrun, E. E., Mazzoni, C., Adar, S., Yassour, M., … Shaul, Y. D. (2023). Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 21, 5531–5537.
Novel insights into bulky DNA damage formation and nucleotide excision repair from high-resolution genomics. Cohen, Y., & Adar, S. (2023). DNA Repair, 130, 103549.
UV irradiation remodels the specificity landscape of transcription factors. Mielko, Z., Zhang, Y., Sahay, H., Liu, Y., Schaich, M. A., Schnable, B., … Others. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(11), e2217422120.
External quality assessment of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing: an ESGMD-SSM pilot trial across 15 European laboratories. Wegner, F., Roloff, T., Huber, M., Cordey, S., Ramette, A., Gerth, Y., … Others. (2022). Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 60(1), e01698-21.
Identification of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern using amplicon next-generation sequencing. Nasereddin, A., Golan Berman, H., Wolf, D. G., Oiknine-Djian, E., & Adar, S. (2022). Microbiology Spectrum, 10(4), e00736-22.
SARS-CoV-2 omicron induces enhanced mucosal interferon response compared to other variants of concern, associated with restricted replication in human lung tissues. Alfi, O., Hamdan, M., Wald, O., Yakirevitch, A., Wandel, O., Oiknine-Djian, E., … Others. (2022). Viruses, 14(7), 1583.
XPC--PARP complexes engage the chromatin remodeler ALC1 to catalyze global genome DNA damage repair. Blessing, C., Apelt, K., Van Den Heuvel, D., Gonzalez-Leal, C., Rother, M. B., Van Der Woude, M., … Others. (2022). Nature Communications, 13(1), 4762.
Ultraviolet-induced Formation of DNA Damage in Cells and their Mutational Consequences. Douki, T., & Adar, S. (2021). chapter in the book “DNA photodamage”, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Cancer mutational processes vary in their association with replication timing and chromatin accessibility. Yaacov, A., Vardi, O., Blumenfeld, B., Greenberg, A., Massey, D. J., Koren, A., … Rosenberg, S. (2021). Cancer Research, 81(24), 6106–6116.
Exons and introns exhibit transcriptional strand asymmetry of dinucleotide distribution, damage formation and DNA repair. Heilbrun, E. E., Merav, M., & Adar, S. (2021). NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 3(1), lqab020.
Genomic characterization of cisplatin response uncovers priming of cisplatin-induced genes in a resistant cell line. Golan Berman, H., Chauhan, P., Shalev, S., Hassanain, H., Parnas, A., & Adar, S. (2021). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(11), 5814.
The cooperative action of CSB, CSA, and UVSSA target TFIIH to DNA damage-stalled RNA polymerase II. van der Weegen, Y., Golan-Berman, H., Mevissen, T. E. T., Apelt, K., González-Prieto, R., Goedhart, J., … Others. (2020). Nature Communications, 11(1), 2104.
The hardwired transcriptional response to DNA damage. Heilbrun, E. E., Merav, M., Parnas, A., & Adar, S. (2020). Current Opinion in Systems Biology, 19, 1–7.
Developmentally regulated oscillations in the expression of UV repair genes in a soilborne plant pathogen dictate UV repair efficiency and survival. Milo-Cochavi, S., Adar, S., & Covo, S. (2019). Mbio, 10(6), 10–1128.
Dynamic maps of UV damage formation and repair for the human genome. Hu, J., Adebali, O., Adar, S., & Sancar, A. (2017). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(26), 6758–6763.
Human genome-wide repair map of DNA damage caused by the cigarette smoke carcinogen benzo [a] pyrene. Li, W., Hu, J., Adebali, O., Adar, S., Yang, Y., Chiou, Y.-Y., & Sancar, A. (2017). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(26), 6752–6757.
Molecular mechanisms and genomic maps of DNA excision repair in Escherichia coli and Humans. Hu, J., Selby, C. P., Adar, S., Adebali, O., & Sancar, A. (2017). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(38), 15588–15597.
The cartography of UV-induced DNA damage formation and DNA repair. Hu, J., & Adar, S. (2017). Photochemistry and Photobiology, 93(1), 199–206.
Cisplatin DNA damage and repair maps of the human genome at single-nucleotide resolution. Hu, J., Lieb, J. D., Sancar, A., & Adar, S. (2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(41), 11507–11512.
Genome-wide kinetics of DNA excision repair in relation to chromatin state and mutagenesis. Adar, S., Hu, J., Lieb, J. D., & Sancar, A. (2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(15), E2124–E2133.
Genome-wide analysis of human global and transcription-coupled excision repair of UV damage at single-nucleotide resolution. Hu, J., Adar, S., Selby, C. P., Lieb, J. D., & Sancar, A. (2015). Genes & Development, 29(9), 948–960.
Gene model 129 (Gm129) encodes a novel transcriptional repressor that modulates circadian gene expression. Annayev, Y., Adar, S., Chiou, Y.-Y., Lieb, J. D., Sancar, A., & Ye, R. (2014). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(8), 5013–5024.
An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome. Consortium, E. P., & Others. (2012). Nature, 489(7414), 57.
Two-polymerase mechanisms dictate error-free and error-prone translesion DNA synthesis in mammals. Shachar, S., Ziv, O., Avkin, S., Adar, S., Wittschieben, J., Reißner, T., … Others. (2009). The EMBO Journal, 28(4), 383–393.
Repair of gaps opposite lesions by homologous recombination in mammalian cells. Adar, S., Izhar, L., Hendel, A., Geacintov, N., & Livneh, Z. (2009). Nucleic Acids Research, 37(17), 5737–5748.
Translesion DNA synthesis across non-DNA segments in cultured human cells. Adar, S., & Livneh, Z. (2006). DNA Repair, 5(4), 479–490.
Quantitative measurement of translesion replication in human cells: evidence for bypass of abasic sites by a replicative DNA polymerase. Avkin, S., Adar, S., Blander, G., & Livneh, Z. (2002). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(6), 3764–3769.